Steph's E-learning and Digital Cultures Blog

part of the MSc in E-learning at the University of Edinburgh

Archive for the ‘Block 1: Popular Cybercultures’

Week 4 Artifact: Worlds Divided

Here is the link to my artifact:

I initially named the piece “Worlds Divided by Conscience” but feel the “Worlds Divided” is perhaps more appropriate. “…by conscience” was perhaps a more personal motivation.
Let me explain. Throughout this course, I find myself thinking back to a talk given by Robert Winston during the Edinburgh Science Festival earlier this year. He presented from his latest book titled ‘Bad Ideas’. What stayed with me from this presentation was that for every positive advancement in science people are able to use it for a negative. Arguably, utopia and dystopia are not worlds apart. However, the benefit of embracing science (or more specifically cyberculture!) should not be avoided because of fear of creating a negative action. Instead, judgement must be appplied. The rapid expansion and development of the cyberworld leaves little time for assessing the risk…so do the benefits justify the risk?
Here is a link to Robert Winston speaking on the same subject to the Guardian

I’d welcome any comments or suggestions for a title of what my artifact means to you.