E-learning and Digital Cultures 2011

part of the MSc in E-learning at the University of Edinburgh

E-learning and Digital Cultures 2011

week 10: (learning about) what we are (learning about)

Good day to you all! Welcome to week 10, our final structured week of the course. You’ve spent the last couple of weeks grappling with notions of posthumanism and the cyborg, and some very fine blog posts have been written and discussed. This week we do our final set of readings, and our final course activity. By the end of the week you should have developed your thinking about the relationship of posthumanism and pedagogy, and proposed or found an example of something you consider to be a “posthuman pedagogy”. Please comment on the task page once you have something you’d like to share with the group.

This week, if you haven’t already, please get in touch with your tutor to discuss your final assignment topic and form. Weeks 11 and 12 are assignment preparation weeks, so you will want to know going into them what your topic and planned format will be. A reminder that you can (and we encourage you to) nominate up to three of your own assessment criteria, and you should run these past your tutor as well. All the information about the final assignment is here and in your course guide.

You may also want to begin thinking about your lifestream submission – this is due on Sunday 11 December. The last item in the lifestream should be a 500 word summary, posted in your blog. We would like you to submit your lifestream in WebCT for the sake of formality – you just need to provide a text copy of your final summary, and link to the lifestream, in the appropriate assignment space.

As ever, Siân, Jeremy and I wish you a great week!

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